Dear  Respondent,
This survey is aimed especially at the following minority groups: foreign language speakers, foreign citizens or people with an immigrant background, Roma people, Sámi people, Swedish-speaking Finns, people with disabilities, people belonging to a sexual or gender minority, and people belonging to a religious minority. The goal of this survey is to collect information on what kind of hate speech or harassment you may have experienced or observed and what kind of effects this has had on you and those close to you.
By harassment, we mean e.g. demeaning, humiliating or insulting speech, emails or gestures. By hate speech, in this questionnaire, we mean public (e.g. in a public place, on the Internet or in media) expression or speech, which distributes, incites, supports or justifies hatred towards for example minorities. An exhaustive definition of harassment and hate speech does not exist. You yourself can define hate speech and harassment – what kind of expressions or gestures you have found offensive, hostile or threatening. These may for example have affected your sense of security.
This research project has been commissioned by the Ministry of Justice. A similar survey was conducted in autumn 2015 as part of the work of the discrimination monitoring group, and the results have been published in the report ”Selvitys vihapuheen ja häirinnän vaikutuksista eri vähemmistöryhmiin kuuluvien henkilöiden turvallisuuden tunteeseen”, The results of this follow-up survey will be used to update the overview and to produce more information on how hate speech and harassment could be prevented.
The responses will be kept confidential and they will not be handed elsewhere. The distribution of the survey will make use of personal cookies. The privacy notice of this survey can be found here. The survey report will be compiled so that individual respondents can not be identified.

For further information about the survey, please contact: Laura Jauhola, Owal Group Oy (050 443 1841, Ministry of Justice: Katriina Nousiainen (

I accept the storing of my personal information and wish to continue to the survey.